Nglossary of forestry terms pdf

This list of terms and definitions should result in better communication among people involved in forest engineering. A sum of the basal area when used with the number of trees within a given forest can aid in determining. Glossary of tree terms acid having a ph level below 7. Forestry terminology certain forestry terms can be deceiving. Terms were selected on the basis of common usage and difficulty of translation from various scientific and technical articles which appeared in professional journals, such as journal of. The upper level of a tree andor forest, consisting of branches and leaves of taller trees urban forestrytree. There is a pdf version of this document for downloading and printing. Glossary of forestry terms as with any profession, forestry has its own vocabulary. Pdf compilation of forestry terms and definitions researchgate.

Despite the above, a tree is not accidentally felled into an area if. Commonly measured in square inches or square feet urban forestry. Replaced by clinometers acre area of land containing 43,560 square feet. A glossary of common forestry terms 3 biltmore stick a large rulertype instrument that is used to measure the diameter at breast height dbh and log height of timber in order to estimate board foot volume. Arboriculture glossary arboriculture international. Words that appear in italic type are defined elsewhere in this glossary. A process for continually improving management policies and practices by learning. The terms and definitions propose here are derived from more than 1500 dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias. List of all most popular abbreviated forestry terms defined. The pacific forestry centre, victoria, british columbia. Forestry meaning in the cambridge english dictionary.

A glossary of common forestry terms 2 acre a land area of 43,560 square feet. Glossary of forest management terms forests ontario. Forestry terms whats in a name professional forestry terms. All additions, suggestions and corrections are welcome. Sirois foreword the terminology used in forest engineering and har vesting has evolved over many years, beginning with the early lumberjacks who cut trees for homes and industry. Stands are often classified as understocked, wellstocked or overstocked. Can you call anyone who works in the forest a forester. But as you hear and use these terms, their meanings will also become familiar. Agroforestry the intentional act of combining agriculture and forestry to create integrated and sustainable landuse system. Glossary of forest management terms sustainable forest management. A glossary of technical terms used in forestry on free shipping on qualified orders.

Fuel loading a buildup of easily ignited leaves, pine straw, branches and trees on the forest floor. Now, through a cooperative project between the national agricultural library and the national forest service library, these valuable glossaries are available on the web, with enhanced. Forestry the science, art, and practice of managing trees and forests and their associated resources for human benefit. The objective of this publication is to provide a glossary of definitions for a broad group of terms used in forestry and in forest engineering, with an emphasis on harvesting. Acid soil a soil having a preponderance of hydrogen ions over hydroxylions in the soil solution. A glossary for private landowners woodland owner notes in discussing forest land management and everyday forest operations, you will often hear and read words and phrases that are unique to the natural resources professions. If square in shape, it would measure approximately 209 feet per side. Access road a temporary or permanent road over which timber is transported from a loading site to a public road. Fs 620 glossary forest terms98 university of maryland extension. A glossary for private landowners woodland owner notes.

Browse the list of 3 111 forestry abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Glossary of urban forestry terms for citizen foresters. The canadian forest service promotes the sustainable development of canadas forests and the competitiveness of the canadian forest sector. Glossary of forest engineering terms forest operations. Forestry is a major employer in bc yet few people outside of the sector understand the differences between the different job titles and designations. On this site, some key areas of forestry terminology are presented. If youre not sure how your arboretum differs from your earlywood, our glossary is the place to clear things up. Three examples of forest types are the mixed conifer, true fir, redwood and douglasfir. Forestry terms and definitions abiotic the nonliving components of the environment, such as air, rocks, soil, water coal, peat, plant litter, etc.

Understanding forestry terms a glossary for private landowners in discussing forestland management and everyday forest operations, you will often hear and read words and phrases that are unique to the natural resources professions. Glossary of forestry terms forest investment associates. If youd like to reproduce it on your website, just drop us a line happy to help. Best management practice bmp a practice or usually a combination of. This fact sheet is designed to help the reader better understand some of the terminology associated with woodland management. Aesthetics an individuals appreciation of the forest landscape for its unique and varied components without regard to its utility or monetary value. Site class or site index measure of a forest sites productivity or its potential to grow timber, expressed in terms of the average height of the tallest trees at a. Forestry dictionary available society of american foresters.

Unbroken solid rock, overlain in most places by soil or rock fragments urban forestry. Page 1 basic forestry terms annual ring trees in climates where growth stops or slows during a portion of the year will form annual rings which can be read to determine tree age and rate of growth. This publication provides an overview of forestry terms. Terminology is central to the work of fao forestry. A glossary of common terms acre an area of land equal to 43,560 square feet or 0.

Glossary of terms used timber hawes ing engineering. Compiled by leading specialists representing the wide variety of forestry disciplines, this is a concise resource that anyone who works or studies in the field of natural resources should keep handy at all times. Terms used in timber harvesting and forest engineering. Advanced regeneration trees that have become established naturally under a mature forest canopy and are capable of becoming the next crop after the mature crop is removed aerial photogrammetry interpreting information from aerial. July 2012 fm1 glossary of forest management terms additional forestry terms, with supporting photographs, are defined in a glossary available within the water quality portion of the n. Suggest additional entries to this bibliography here acknowledgements to gillian petrokofsky for contributing to this bibliography. Board foot bf a unit of measurement of lumber, equivalent to a board 12 inches wide by 12. Allowable cut volume of wood that can be cut during a given period without.

Forestry the art and science of managing forests to produce various products and benefits including timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation. Terms in nys envirothons glossary learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Glossary of terms aesthetics forest value, rooted in beauty and visual appreciation, affording inspiration, contributing to the arts, and providing a special quality of life afforestation the establishment of forest trees by planting or seeding an area not previously forested agroforestry a cultivation system combining agriculture and forestry where trees and crops are. Woodland owners and others who enjoy being in the woods hear many terms which may be unfamiliar at first. In discussing forest land management and everyday forest operations, you will often hear and read words and phrases that are unique to the natural resources professions. Basal area the crosssectional area in square feet of a tree trunk measured at 4. A glossary of terms from the world of arborists, chainsaws and forestry in general, this is a constant work in progress and is frequently updated.

A glossary of forestry terminology acre a land area of 43,560 square feet about 209 by 209 feet. Site an area considered in terms of its environment, particularly in reference to the type and quality of vegetation it can support. Welcome to the glossary of terms used in timber harvesting and forest engineering, an online vocabulary tool of 1,026 terms related to forestry. Forestry terms jeff martin l ike any other profession, forestry has many special terms and abbreviations.

A glossary of common terms coppice growth new shoots that grow at the base of a tree in response to stresses, such as the cutting of the tree a form of natural regeneration that allows some species to reproduce without seeds cord a unit of measurement for stacked round or split wood one bush cord has the outer dimensions of four. You will also encounter some common terms that have special meanings when applied to forestry. A glossary of forestry terminology mendocino county. Forestry is a science and various actions we perform in forests to process, preserve and manage our forests. Arboriculture glossary of terms there are 1070 entries in this glossary. Forest type a group of tree species that, because of shared environmental requirements and tolerances, commonly grow together. Ministry of forests and range glossary of forestry terms in british. It draws up the list of terms and definitions used in the scientific, technical and commercial treatment of the forest, from regeneration to harvesting. Forest service produced glossaries are wellknown as high quality, authoritative resources which serve as standards and guidelines for technical terminology. The pacific forestry centre of the canadian forest service undertakes research as part of a national network system responding to the needs of various forest resource managers. A glossary of common forestry terms 6 bole the main tree trunk.

As a neutral forum, clear, agreed and multilingual terms are required for efficient communication and to avoid erroneous conclusions. The national forest service library provides information services, access to ejournals and bibliographic databases, current literature alerting services, and a full range of document delivery and ill services to forest service employees. Devere burton section 1, chapter 1 introduction to forestry vocab. Forestry dictionary available april 19, 2017 add the dictionary of forestry to your library of resources. Glossary of terms used in timber harvesting and forest engineering bryce j. Allaged or unevenaged forest management management of a forest by periodically removing some trees from the stand. Choose from 500 different sets of forestry flashcards on quizlet. Compilation of forestry terms and definitions european forest. Glossaries national forest service library usda forest.

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